News & Press
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Successful commissioning of photovoltaic plant in Mam Rashan
greentech supports operation & maintenance of PV-plant for a refugee camp in northern Iraq Hamburg, 19th November 2018: Through the initiative of the non-profit organization atmosfair gGmbH, a 300 kWp PV-plant in combination with an energy storage solution for the...

greentech speaks at SolarTech Summit 2018 in Porto
O&M driven Technical Advisory – how insights from the operation of PV-plants can be utilized for project planning and the construction phase.  Hamburg, 15th October: The Solar Power and Technology Summit in Porto is the most important event of Portugal’s...
greentech certifies for the world’s first O&M Best Practice Mark
Hamburg, 21st June: SolarPower Europe just announced the world’s first Solar O&M Best Practice Mark on the Intersolar Europe in Munich, Germany. The self-certification-based label is meant to promote transparency and service quality of the PV O&M sector. The...