Operation and Maintenance.
With Substance.
We take over all tasks of operation and maintenance and make sure that your photovoltaic system runs reliably and delivers the maximum yields.
Within the scope of O&M, we offer you an all-round service in the areas of monitoring, reporting, preventive maintenance and inspection, corrective maintenance and optimisation. We focus on large ground-mounted and rooftop systems from 2 MWp.
As an integrated PV specialist, we ensure the optimal operation of your solar system. We rely on many years of experience, technical expertise, efficient processes and personal commitment. Our own teams of experts are on duty every day to ensure the optimal operation of your solar system. In emergencies, we act immediately and take care of a quick, efficient repair.
In doing so, we always act in the interests of operators and investors – and also keep an eye on a commercially ideal solution in O&M. In this way, we ensure that our customers’ photovoltaic systems not only operate reliably and perform well, but can also expect a maximum service life. This brings us one step closer to the energy transition every day.

Our services at a glance.
We monitor your plant 365 days a year. On a daily basis, we identify faults via intelligent algorithms and manual checks and create regular medium- and long-term analyses to identify even creeping change processes in the plant performance. A separate data analysis division increases not only the efficiency but also the reliability of defect identification through new, automated approaches and processes for defect detection and analysis.
The cooperation between the plant hardware and monitoring software is actively managed by greentech to ensure secure, stable and trouble-free data transmission and controllability of the plant.
Connection of the plant to the monitoring portal. Set up secure VPN access
- DSGVO compliant integration
- KRITIS requirements mapping
Remote monitoring of ongoing operation
- 7 days a week
- From sunrise to sunset
Use of own professional monitoring software
- Short loading times and fast transmission of relevant data
- Fast response times to alarms and faults
- Plant-specific alarm rules and limit values
- Customer access to the portal
Data analysis-supported error analysis and interpretation
Continuous further development of the algorithms
Medium- and long-term analysis of plant performance
Plant and Incident Management
Plant and incident management continuously ensures the optimal operation of each plant and finds further optimisation potential. We know every plant – the components installed, technical and local peculiarities or special specifications and deadlines. We maintain a customer and plant-specific overview by working in established teams and deticated contact persons. A self-developed ticket system enables efficient processes and provides the necessary transparency about a plant and current measures at any time.
Experienced, authorised electricians and technicians work on the plants with greentech Fieldservice. In the event of time-critical incidents, we also have access to a Germany-wide network of competent service partners. In this way, failures are remedied as quickly as possible and at low cost, and plant operation can continue.
Technical control room / telephone emergency service 24/7
Technical contract management
- Adherence to inspection periods / inspection contents in accordance with manufacturer specifications and contractual obligations
Regular coordination with the operator and stakeholder management
- Technical contact for grid operators, authorities, landlords, municipality, direct marketers
Technical warranty and insurance management
- Technical support for warranty and insurance claims
Rectification of failures via the remote monitoring system
Triggering, control and monitoring of repairs
Spare parts inventory and management
Transparent documentation in the operations management portal
Inspection, maintenance and testing (incl. DGUV regulation 3)
Solar systems that run reliably and efficiently for as long as possible realise their full potential. Therefore, we ensure that regular inspection and maintenance activities are carried out as part of the technical operational management and undertake legally prescribed inspections of the system and its electrical equipment. When servicing and maintaining the plants entrusted to us, we rely on digital recording and documentation of the results. In addition to fast and efficient work in the field, the procedure also enables comprehensive, consistent and comparable reporting, as well as transparency in tracking and implementing further actions.
Inspection of PV components, such as modules, inverters, rack system, distribution boxes, transformers.
Assessment of the overall condition of the PV system as well as the terrain/roof
Maintenance of inverters, combiner boxes, transformers, switchgear and protective devices according to manufacturer’s specifications
Digital onsite data collection and documentation with “TabTool PV”
Comprehensive reporting and presentation of results
Recurring electronic protection test according to DGUV regulation 3
- According to applicable legal and normative requirements
- Incl. reporting and presentation of results
How is the PV system performing? And where can additional yield or optimisation potential of the plant perhaps be realised through targeted measures? Our regular greentech reporting provides comprehensive transparency on the performance and availability of your plant as well as all events affecting the plant. Via regular coordination and reports, you can follow all activities and measures of the O&M over the lifetime of your plant.
Regular reporting on yields, irradiation and specific events
Comparison of the results with target values
Presentation of tangible parameters such as irradiation-adjusted values, technical availability and performance ratio
Continuous recommendations for plant optimisation based on target/actual comparison
Life cycle file of the PV plant in the greentech operations management portal
Online customer access for the greentech operations management portal
Other Services
In addition to operation and maintenance, we offer optional services for the operational management and performance enhancement of your solar system.
Landscape management
Module cleaning
Thermographic inspection
Performance measurements
Revamping and repowering solutions
High frequency analyses
We monitor your plant 365 days a year. On a daily basis, we identify faults via intelligent algorithms and manual checks, and produce regular medium- and long-term analyses to identify even creeping change processes in plant performance.
A separate Data Analysis division increases not only the efficiency but also the reliability of defect identification through new, automated approaches and processes for defect detection and analysis. The cooperation between the plant hardware and monitoring software is actively managed by greentech to ensure secure, stable and trouble-free data transmission and controllability of the plant.
Connection of the plant to the monitoring portal
Set up secure VPN access
- DSGVO compliant integration
- KRITIS requirements mapping
Remote monitoring of ongoing operation
- 7 days a week
- from sunrise to sunset
Use of own professional monitoring software
- Short loading times and fast transmission of relevant data
- Fast response times to alarms and faults
- Plant-specific alarm rules and limit values
- Customer access to the portal
Data Analysis-supported error analysis and interpretation
Continuous further development of the algorithms
Medium- and long-term analysis of plant performance
Plant and incident management
Plant and incident management continuously ensures the optimal operation of each plant and finds further optimization potential. We know every plant – the components installed, technical and local peculiarities or special specifications and deadlines. We keep the customer and plant-specific overview by working in fixed teams and fixed contact persons. A self-developed ticket system enables efficient processes and provides the necessary transparency about an installation and current measures at any time.
Experienced, circuit-authorized electricians and technicians work on the plants with greentech Fieldservice. In the event of time-critical incidents, we also have access to a Germany-wide network of competent service partners. In this way, failures are remedied as quickly as possible and at low cost, and plant operation can continue.
Technical control room / telephone emergency service 24/7
Technical contract management
- Adherence to inspection intervals / inspection contents in accordance with manufacturer specifications and contractual obligations
Regular coordination with the operator and stakeholder management
- Technical contact for grid operators, authorities, landlords, municipality, direct marketers
Technical warranty and insurance management
Rectification of failures via the remote monitoring system
Triggering, control and monitoring of repairs
Spare parts inventory and management
Transparent documentation in the operations management portal
Inspection, maintenance and testing (incl. DGUV regulation 3)
Solar systems that run reliably and powerfully for as long as possible realize their full potential. Therefore, as part of technical management, we ensure compliance with regular inspection and maintenance activities and undertake legally required inspections of the plant and its electrical equipment. In the maintenance and servicing of the plants entrusted to us, we rely on digital recording and documentation of the results. In addition to working quickly and efficiently in the field, the approach also enables comprehensive, consistent, and comparable reporting, as well as transparency in tracking and implementing further actions.
Inspection of PV components, such as modules, inverters, rack system, electrical distributions, transformers.
Assessment of the overall condition of the PV system as well as the terrain/roof
Maintenance of inverters, junction boxes, transformers, switchgear and protective devices according to manufacturer’s specifications
Digital data acquisition in the field with “TabTool PV
Meaningful reporting and presentation of results
Recurring electronic protection test according to DGUV regulation 3
- According to applicable legal and normative requirements
- incl. Reporting and presentation of results
How does the PV system perform? And where can additional yield or optimization potential of the plant perhaps be realized through targeted measures? Our regular greentech reporting provides comprehensive transparency on the performance and availability of your plant as well as all events affecting the plant. Via regular reconciliations and reports, you can follow all activities and measures of the technical management over the lifetime of your plant.
Regular reporting on yields, irradiation and specific events
Comparison of the results with target values
Presentation of tangible parameters such as irradiation-adjusted values, technical availability and performance ratio
Continuous recommendations for plant optimization based on target/actual comparison
Life cycle file of the PV plant in the greentech operations management portal
Online customer access for the greentech operations management portal
Other services
Other services
In addition to technical management, we offer optional services for the operational management and performance enhancement of your solar system.
Green care
Module cleaning
Anti-reflective module coating
Thermography investigation
Performance measurements
Revamping and repowering solutions
High frequency analyses
Our software tools
With an innovative IT landscape and efficient processes, we ensure optimal service and long-term availability of the PV systems we support:
Surveillance portal
Provision, analysis and storage of all technical plant parameters
greentech acts manufacturer-independently and offers monitoring solutions on other platforms in addition to greentech’s own monitoring portal “greensun” on request. In addition to a good price-performance ratio, a high degree of automation of the monitoring portal, user-friendly handling and good integrability to existing hardware, software and the existing IT infrastructure are important. Internal monitoring guidelines ensure that yield losses are reduced as much as possible through adequate and proactive action and that unnecessary trips to the plant are avoided. Upon request, our customers receive free access to the respective portal.
Operations Management Portal
Ticket system for documentation of all processes and events in the operating phase
greentech has developed its own ticket system that controls and digitally documents all processes and events for the technical operation of a photovoltaic system. It is also used to store all relevant information and contacts relating to the PV system and to have them at hand at all times. The system not only enables efficient and transparent work for high quality in technical operations management – it also ensures that no process remains unprocessed and workloads can be actively managed. In addition, the greentech ticket system forms the basis for regular reporting and coordination with our customers.
Mobile data acquisition
Documentation and control of all activities on the PV plant.
Through TabTool PV, greentech optimises the interfaces between office and plant on a daily basis. The industry-specific software solution maps supports planning, execution and documentation for repair, maintenance and inspection of your photovoltaic systems digitally and mobile. By using TabTool PV, all work is documented transparently, open items are tracked and assignments are handled efficiently – for short response times and low costs. Individualised Checklists ensure that all inspection points and work steps are considered and documented. Anomalies can be recorded in the blink of an eye including picture, description and location. All of this increases quality and efficiency of operations and follow-up.
Our service promise
Our experienced experts are at work every day to ensure the sustainable quality and maximum profitability of your solar system over the long term. Rely on the
Professional maintenance and optimisation of systems and components
Ensuring plant safety and minimising operator risk
